Mealtime Fun Feb 21
By doomyz 3 Comments

As a parent, getting your child to eat a healthy and balanced diet can be a daunting task. Mealtime can often feel like a battle, and finding creative ways to get your child excited about eating can be challenging. But with a few simple tips, you can turn mealtime into a fun and enjoyable experience for your little one.

  • Get them involved: Kids love to feel like they are contributing, so get them involved in meal preparation. Let them help with simple tasks like stirring, mixing or adding ingredients. This will not only make them more excited about the meal, but it will also encourage them to try new foods.
  • Make it colorful: Kids are attracted to bright colors, so use this to your advantage by adding a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to their plates. You can even make it into a game by challenging them to eat the rainbow and try a fruit or vegetable of every color.
  • Make it fun: Use fun and creative utensils and plates to make mealtime more exciting. You can even turn mealtime into a themed event, such as a pirate or princess party, with fun decorations and costumes.
  • Offer choices: Giving your child control over their meal can help make them more willing to eat. Offer them a choice between two healthy options, such as broccoli, carrots, or apples or oranges.
  • Get creative with presentation: Make mealtime more exciting by getting creative with the presentation. Use cookie cutters to make fun shapes out of fruits and vegetables, or arrange their food into fun designs.
  • Play games: Use mealtime to play games with your child. Try a game of “I Spy” where you take turns guessing what food item the other is thinking of, or a game of “What’s in My Mouth?” where you blindfold your child and have them guess what food they are eating.
  • Offer healthy dips: Kids love to dip, so offer them healthy dips like hummus or yogurt-based dips to encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Be patient: Remember that it can take time for your child to develop a taste for certain foods. Don’t give up if they don’t like something the first time, and keep offering it to them differently.
  • Avoid distractions: Turn off the TV and other electronics during mealtime to avoid distractions and encourage your child to focus on their food.
  • Lead by example: Remember that children often model their behavior after their parents. Make sure to set a good example by eating a healthy and balanced diet yourself.

In conclusion, mealtime can be a fun and enjoyable experience for your little one with a bit of creativity and patience. By involving your child in the meal preparation process, offering healthy choices, and making it fun and exciting, you can encourage them to develop a love for healthy food that will last a lifetime.


  1. Mark
    September, 2022

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

  2. Nadine M.
    April, 2023

    Involving kids in meal preparation is a fantastic way to get them excited about eating healthy. It also teaches them valuable life skills!

  3. Yarah
    April, 2023

    Making mealtime colorful is such a simple but effective way to get kids excited about eating healthy. Who doesn’t love a rainbow on their plate?

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